Is #ThrowbackThursday still a thing? Back in November of last year we were delighted to be able to present our concepts & discuss some theories in Helsinki ❄️ at #ELIABiennial2022 @Taideyliopisto -- and it was awesome!
Thank you for having us, @ELIAartschools. ❤️
🤩 Wow! Das kam echt unerwartet, aber wir fühlen uns zutiefst geehrt; danke dafür @netwrkException und viele liebe Grüße nach Karlsruhe zur #gpn21 👋
Der (hammermäßige) Vortrag zu
Deutschland in der matrix
kann hier angesehen werden:
Given the stuff we’re into this may sound obvious to you, but you can also follow us on the #fediverse 😉
@digiges Public money public code! 🥰
Liebes Topio-Team, vielen Dank für euren Vortrag gestern und vielleicht bis bald mal in der Markthalle. Liebe Grüße aus Schöneberg nach Moabit! 👋
Hello and hei from Helsinki, Finland! On Friday at 9:00am local time we’ll show @ELIAartschools what we’ve been up to lately. There will also be a livestream for everyone who’s not currently around and enjoying Karjalanpiirakka & Korvapuusti 🥐 like we are. Stay tuned!
We have been rather shy about, well, scheming a coup d’état against the platformism of today’s web?
I guess it’s time to pop some bubbles.🫧
Fahrplan: https://fahrplan22.bits-und-baeume.org/bitsundbaeume/talk/ZMAACX/
Und wir versprechen: Das alles klappt auch ganz ohne Cryptocurrency-, Web3.0- und MetaMask-Quatsch! 👾
GuMo liebe #bitsundbaeume22! Gleich um 10:00 Uhr erzählt euch @robertschnuell auf der DELPHI Stage von unseren Ideen für ein dezentrales, kontextualisiertes Attributable Web.
Wer nicht vor Ort ist sollte unbedingt den Livestream einschalten: https://media.ccc.de/v/bitsundbaeume-20053-attributable-web-der-entwurf-eines-dezentralen-kontextualisierten-webs
#MatrixCommunitySummit is starting tonight! 🤩 We’ll be there at @cbase to hang out tonight and we’ll be presenting a bit of our @matrixdotorg-related work in the mainhall tomorrow morning. Come stop by and say hi! 👋
Throughout this time we’ll receive support from and work together with Una from moci.space & Kevin from tekbunkeri.eu!
We’re very honored to be part of @WikimediaDE’s UNLOCK program, where we’ll be spending the next few months on researching how we can enhance & adjust our tool set for grassroot activist projects 🎉
@ubernauten We like to spend several days every now and then at Stechlin Institut in Neuroofen, reachable in 20 minutes by bike from train station Fürstenberg (Havel).
There’s forests, there’s lakes, and there’s a cute and sometimes cuddly cat waiting for you.
@almereyda @britiger Das hat geklappt! Mit
war planet.mbtiles
nach 55h39m dann 103GB groß.
Auf https://github.com/medienhaus/osm-server haben wir unsere Laufzeitkonfigurationen für 100% self-hosted (inkl. aller Assets) bereitgestellt.
Adore the /etc/motd with its ANSI art and system information as well as the first steps printed by /etc/reform-root-help … <3
Welcome to the team, MNT Reform portable open hardware computing device. 🥳
Everyone interested in open-hardware devices check out @minut_e and support their amazing work.
@almereyda @britiger Next up: Die ganze Welt 👀 – wir werden berichten.
@almereyda @britiger … und dann letztendlich mit Hilfe von https://github.com/onthegomap/planetiler Europa in 9 Stunden und 5 Minuten berechnen lassen. Zugegebenermaßen haben wir der Maschine mehr Kerne und Arbeitsspeicher verpasst, aber der springende Punkt war dann sicherlich das multithreading von planetiler. 🚀
@almereyda @britiger Tatsächlich hatte das keinen bestimmten
Grund; das war einfach unser erster
-Versuch, ohne dass wir uns um
Optimierungen jedweder Art gekümmert haben.
Nachdem der Prozess nach 300h+ aber immer noch lief, haben wir uns dann doch mal deinen Link angesehen. Danke!
The documentation for everything related to this setup can be found over at: https://maptiler.com/open-source/
For our German-speaking followers we can also recommend this talk by @britiger on how to create and style your own #opensource maps: https://pretalx.com/fossgis2022/talk/CNH3Z7/
For our fully #selfhosted stack we’ve also been exploring the options of open source (interactive) maps — and found #OpenMapTiles. For the past 78h our server has been 🧑🍳 cooking up a map of all of Europe based on @openstreetmap data, and it’s still going:
✉️✍️ Den #SovereignTechFund würden wir hier auch sehr begrüßen. Wir finden, dass zum Aufbau einer zeitgemäßen Infrastruktur unbedingt gemeinwohlorientierte, quelloffene und transparent organisierte Projekte gehören.
@ungleich @DigitalGlarus We’ve been thinking about Kubernetes for a while already … 👀
1-week-course with a backdrop of the Alps
sounds interesting!
Until next time, and as always: public money, public code.
We are very much looking forward to sharing more of this in detail, to exchange and discuss with communities and individuals alike, and to slowly pave the way (back to) a decentralised, attributable, referenced web like envisioned ~60 years ago in @TheTedNelson’s Project Xanadu.
This allows for creating network effects without a centralized platform where everyone can equally participate with their own infastructure, stay in control of what data they share, and always are inherently attributed and referenced along with the shared data.
The @matrixdotorg protocol standard allows for interoperability of all of these decentralised, federated contents.
All published contents are inherently attributed with an author and context/origin, i.e. matrix_id:institution-server_address, and a unique content identifier.
All of the above will make sense when looking at this with decentralisation, federation, and attribution in mind.
Independent institutions can host their own CMS, create their own content, make their content accessible to others, or revoking said access in some cases.
The medienhaus/cms strictly follows the
Human Readable First
paradigm. Data can be accessed,
read, and written through different applications or views,
one of them being the medienhaus/cms, but also @element_hq
could be used for this.
Structure is created via spaces
, sub-spaces,
sub-sub-spaces, et cetera. Contents are written to
. Rights management is handled via
, and access requests are
implemented via the join_rule: knock
Architectural and technical details: medienhaus/cms is a
federatable, room-based content management system which uses
a custom stateEvent dev.medienhaus.meta
store information about rooms.
This re-factorization process started during @Klasse_Klima ’s summer residency at Stechlin Institut.
This week, the medienhaus/ team was invited to @stechlinstitut to conceptualize and set up a locally running medienhaus/cms instance to serve as an archive of open knowledge.
The medienhaus/cms prototype is, for now, tailored to the specific needs of Berlin University of the Arts’ Rundgang, but we already started re-factoring the codebase and structure to accomodate general content management system functionality.
This will be the first digitally enhanced Rundgang — Open Days exhibition at Berlin University of the Arts, but medienhaus/cms is here to stay and ready for collaborative content creation and publishing via federation.
Hello, World! Story time: For the last six months, we were working on pushing our @matrixdotorg based CMS from proof-of-concept to prototype. The medienhaus/cms will allow members of @UdKBerlin_ to create and publish projects and events to the public-facing Rundgang 2021 website.
@corncobweb If your main interest is a somewhat universal client that bridges to many different networks and protocols, you might want to keep an eye @onbeeper …
@corncobweb medienhaus/ is work-in-progress.
We don’t make use of Docker as we set up all kinds of services via Ansible in different Linux Containers.
If you want to set up an environment for your fellows, we highly encourage you to use the well-documented official installation methods.
@corncobweb If you want to make use of bridges to other services, you might want to consider the matrix-docker-ansible-deploy playbook by Slavi Pantaleev: https://github.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy
We’re always happy to be hearing or reading about free and open-source software platforms/solutions for educational and public institutions. Hopefully this mindset will be adapted in more and more places.
And the medienhaus/ React application is our frontend interface, extending the @element_hq asynchronous chat client with a structured /explore view of @matrixdotorg rooms, request and support forms, and a Frequently Asked Questions section: https://github.com/medienhaus/medienhaus-frontend
The medienhaus/ NestJS backend is for securely interacting with our request and support @matrixdotorg bot accounts: https://github.com/medienhaus/medienhaus-backend
The medienhaus/ Ansible playbook is for configuring and installing the @matrixdotorg × medienhaus/ stack: https://github.com/medienhaus/medienhaus-ansible
One day and one year ago, we started the medienhaus/ project. And one day ago, we forgot to tweet. Today, we present to you our public repositories with source code and … some bugs, maybe.
We iteratively publish the medienhaus/ concept paper in English and German language via: https://medienhaus.dev/
@sedyst @SURF_NL @chelloway @jararocha Maybe …
Open Streaming Platform (OSP) is an open-source, RTMP
streamer software front-end for Arut’s Nginx-RTMP Module.
OSP was designed as a self-hosted alternative to services
such as Twitch, […] and Youtube Live.
@i_ngli @Mattermost tl;dr There’s a bridge for that.
An important idea in @matrixdotorg is interoperability.
[…] Matrix is open to exchanging data and messages with
other platforms using an open standard. We refer to the
connection to other platforms as bridging.
Also, consider checking @systemli and @riseupnet as well asx their collection of like-minded tech collectives via: https://www.systemli.org/en/friends/ and https://riseup.net/en/security/resources/radical-servers
If you’re interested in concepts and projects like this,
consider checking
Server Infrastructure for Global Rebellion
critical engineer and systems architect @julian0liver at
#36c3 via:
medienhaus/ will be available as free and open-source software for autonomous self-hosted installation on your own trusted infrastructure.
We’re looking forward to connecting and interacting with other institutions via Matrix. And we’ll document and share an automated installation procedure on GitHub soon™ …
/stream is our audio/video live streaming and playback platform based on the @nginx-rtmp-module and hls.js … https://github.com/video-dev/hls.js
/draw is a collaborative canvas and whiteboard platform based on Spacedeck-Open. https://github.com/mntmn/spacedeck-open
/write is a collaborative writing, reading, and editing platform based on Etherpad-Lite @EtherpadOrg.
/meet is our audio/video conferencing, collaboration, and presentation platform based on BigBlueButton @bigbluebutton and Jitsi @jitsinews.
The @matrixdotorg protocol allows for sharing rooms — and
therefore conversations — with other institutions; they can
have their own Matrix instance on their own hardware in
their own location, bsp;but thanks to federation the
instances can talk to each other
/classroom is an enhanced digital representation of our physical learning spaces — an asynchronous communication platform with the flexibility and modularity to equip rooms for their respective individual demands.
At @UdK_Berlin_, we’re working on medienhaus/ — a completely free and open-source environment for digital learning, teaching, and collaboration. We aim for creating and establishing an intuitive interface around a set of different tools with distinct functionality.